Maintainer of the Node.js Driver for MongoDB. Assists with project planning feature development and cross language specifications for consistent implementations. Familiar with distributed system algorithms and their solutions. Familiarity with the npm and node ecosystem as well as the responsibilities of library publishing with respect to versioning and compatibility.
Integrated member of the Cloud Monitoring team assisting corporate clients in managing onsite or MongoDB Atlas deployments. Worked on collecting, persisting, and displaying database accesses for client compliance requirements.
Assisted in creating coding assignment documentation and regression unit tests for students. Led a team of Teaching Assistants by supervising the development of homework assignments. Created robust Python scripts to automate testing of student submissions for grading.
Repaired and maintained existing campus bus and shuttle tracking Android app in Java. Recreated the Android app in Kotlin, reducing app size by 50% and improving network performance, user experience, and user interface responsiveness.
Command line Python package to simulate a MIPS program by interpreting assembly text. Future plans for an editor extension that enables MIPS debugging and visualization.
Interactive tool to assist deploying a private gitlab instance for the purpose of source submission along with assignment distribution.
64-bit operating system in C targeting the x86_64 platform. Features include context switching, AHCI driver virtual memory management, copy-on-write fork, and userspace processes. Tested on hardware.
RESTful social networking service written in NodeJS. The service was deployed to a private cloud using Ansible and scaled to respond to millions of client requests using multi-process clustering and a sharded MongoDB database.
Original scripting language implemented using the Python PLY (yacc/lex) library with support for: duck type variables, shallow scoping, if/else statements, while loops.
AngularJS and Java web app deployed to PAAS environment. Features include saving user-generated content from HTML5 Canvas, publishing canvas contents to the landing page, and enabling users to modify saved work.
Desktop application written in Java and JavaFX that allowed users to load saved MLB JSON data, construct fantasy baseball teams manually, and auto-generate teams in a separate thread. Two years later helped professor win his MLB Fantasy League (Apr '17).